Shawna Yamkovy - Treasurer

Shawna is a member of the Łútsël K'é Dene First Nation raised in Edmonton. She has 20 years of experience in Finance with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. She has volunteered with various organizations and in 2015 obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Sociology and Psychology through Concordia University of Edmonton, as well in 2022 obtained a Master of Arts in Global Leadership Degree through Royal Roads University (RRU); with a focus on Indigenous language revitalization and creating strategies to retain and rejuvenate the Dene Sųłiné yati (language). Currently, Shawna is working towards her Doctoral of Social Sciences Degree at RRU, to continue her focus on Indigenous language revitalization.


Robb Campre - Vice President


Lawrence Willier- Director